Anterolateral approach to humerus : minimally invasive plate osteosythesis (MIPO) technique pearls

An incision is made along the anterolateral edge of the shoulder, generally starting at the coracoid.Superficial dissectionThe superficial fascia is encountered and incisedSuperficial vessels are numerous; attention must be paid to these to facilitate visualization

The deltoid is then sharply released from the acromion or clavicle, depending on area of surgical needThis should be limited, as deltoid repair is often difficultThe acromial branch of the thoracoacromial artery must be ligated when encountered deep to the deltoid, near the acromioclavicular joint
Deep dissection

The coracoacromial ligament is then released from the acromionThe ligament can be excised by releasing it from the coracoid as wellThe subacromial bursa is now seen and can be excised to reveal rotator cuff pathology

Aterolateral approach to humerus, humerus plating, humerus surgery, proximal humerus plating, mipo humerus, mipo proximal humerus, mipo philos plating, philos plating surgery, 
